Facing life after HIV
Colibrí (Pseudonym)
Category : Body and mind
Subtheme HIV - AIDS
Tepeaca, Puebla, November 2015, 96p.
Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Prizes 2015-2016. Published: yes
Reference source: Colibrí (Pseud.). Mi vida y mi rostro ante el VIH. Mexico, DEMAC, 2016, 74p.
The autobiographical writing of “Colibrí”, addresses a painful episode in which she suffered a rape at her adolescence by a taxi driver. An event that changed her life forever and became a strong emotional load since she did not talk about it to her parents. For several years she suffered from depression and her health physically began to deteriorate. At the age of twenty-eight and in the crisis of her “aches and pains” she was tested for HIV. In CAPASITS (The Ambulatory Center for Prevention and care for AIDS and sexually transmitted infections) she began her treatment against the disease and has been recovering satisfactorily, however, the judgments and discrimination towards her were one more fight. Her participation in workshops has helped her to accept her life with HIV-Aids, she also accompanies patients in the task of defending their rights when living with the disease.
Keywords: adolescence, body and mind, Colibrí (Pseudonym), depression, discrimination, disease, emotional load, HIV-AIDS, in english, parents, patients, pdf, rape, right, sexual violence, trial, violence against women, workshop
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