
The flavors of my life

Puebla, Puebla, November 2011, 213p. letter sized. Archive: DEMAC. Series:
DEMAC Prizes, Biography and Autobiography, 2011-2012. Published: Yes.
Reference Source: García Lastra, Fátima. Los sabores de mi vida: memorias de
cinco generaciones alrededor del fogón. Mexico, DEMAC, 2013, 206 p.

The light at the end of the tunnel

In Search of Happiness; Girls’ Testimonial writings for Parents and Teachers

In Search of Happiness; Girls’ testimonial writings for parents and teachers. México, DEMAC, 2013, 104 p.

Facing life after HIV

Tepeaca, Puebla, November 2015, 96p.

Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Prizes  2015-2016. Published: yes

Reference source: Colibrí (Pseud.). Mi vida y mi rostro ante el VIH. Mexico, DEMAC, 2016, 74p.

Telling Things as They Happened

Mexico City, 2007. Archive: Women´s Stories. Published: Yes.
Reference Source: Corona Cadena, Evangelina. Contar las cosas como fueron, México, DEMAC, 2007, 212p.