
My sweet company

Mexico City, January 2018, 47pp., letter size.
Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Awards.

Contest: It is more the hope. Testimonies of the 2017 earthquake. Published: Yes.
Bibliographic Source: Zamora Rivera, Lucía Isabel. “Mi dulce compañía” in Es más la esperanza. Testimonios del sismo 2017. México, DEMAC, 2018, p.79-120.

Flow from the adversity

Mexico City, January 2018, 33p., letter size.

Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Awards. Contest: It is more the hope. Testimonies of the 2017 earthquake. Published: Yes.


Reference source: Ramirez Varela, Maria del Pilar. “Fluir desde la adversidad”, in Es más la esperanza.  Testimonios del sismo 2017. México, DEMAC, 2018, p. 23-47.

I lived through the earthquake behind bars

Mexico City, January 2018, 13p., letter size.

Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Awards. Contest: It is more the hope. Testimonies of the 2017 earthquake. Published: Yes.


Reference source: Hernandez Hawk, Maria Enriqueta. “Viví el sismo tras las rejas”, in Es más la esperanza.  Testimonios del sismo 2017. México, DEMAC, 2018, p. 120-130.


Before it is forgotten

Mexico City, January 2018, 31p., letter size.

Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Awards. Contest: It is more the hope. Testimonies of the 2017 earthquake. Published: Yes.


Reference source: Maldonado, Verónica. “Antes de que se olvide”, in Es más la esperanza.  Testimonios del sismo 2017. México, DEMAC, 2018, p. 131-158.

Carpe Diem (Eng)

Amozoc, Puebla, January 2018, 12p., letter size.

Fund: DEMAC. Series: DEMAC Awards. Contest: It is more the hope. Testimonies of the 2017 earthquake. Published: Yes.

Reference source: Méndez Martínez, Minerva. “Carpe Diem”, in Es más la esperanza.  Testimonios del sismo 2017. México, DEMAC, 2018, p. 9-22.